Turn a task list into a process

Sometimes, while working on a project and creating or updating your task lists, you'll want to turn a task list into a re-useable process template that you can use again on future projects.

You can do that simply by opening the "Task list settings", then click "Copy to New Process".

This will copy the following elements from the task list into a re-useable process template in the future:

  • The task list title
  • The task list description
  • The task titles
  • The task descriptions
  • Date rules on tasks

It will not copy any people assignments, comments, or activity history from the task list, since those are specific to the task list on a single project.

Updating an existing Process Template from a Task List

Suppose you're in a task list, which was initially created by copying one of your process templates.  Now that you're using it in a project, you've added a few tasks that you think would be good to include in future uses of this process template.

Simply follow the same instruction as above to turn the current iteration of the task list into a process template.

If the title of the task list already exists as a process template (which is likely, in this case), then it will create the new process template and append " (2)" to the end of the title.  The original version of the process template will remain intact.  

You can choose to delete the original, and then rename the newer version by removing that " (2)" at the end of it.  If you do, be sure to update any project types which might be pre-loading this process.  You might also need to update any Zapier Zaps that referenced the original process with the new one.

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