(Automatically) preload processes on projects in a board

The whole point of creating process templates is so that they get used, right?

And in order to make sure they get used, you should automatically copy them into task lists on your projects.  Here's how to do that:

First, create a board

If you haven't already, you'll want to create a board as the place where you plan to run projects that share a common type.  It's a good idea to match one of your most important processes to a board.

For example, if you've created a "Sales Process" then you'll probably want to create a "Sales Deals" board.

  1. Go to "Boards"
  2. Create a new board.  Call it something like "Sales Deals" (plural), for example.
  3. Set its single project label to something like "Deal", for example.
  4. Save

Preload a process on a board

Next, you'll want to make it so that any new projects that are created in this board automatically get a task list built as a copy from one of your processes.  To do this, you'll set up this board's preloaded process(s).

  1. Enter this board
  2. Click the "Processes" tab on the board
  3. Select a process, or multiple processes and add them to your list of preloaded processes.

Now create a new project in this board.  The project will now have task list(s) automatically created as copies from your process(s) 👍 ⚡️

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