Attaching files to tasks, projects, and clients
In ProcessKit, you can upload file attachments to any of these:
- Upload a file attachment to a task
- Upload a file attachment to a client's attributes
- Upload a file attachment to a project's details
Note: As of this writing, the file size limit on any individual file attachment is 20MB. If you need to attach a file that is larger than that, we recommend you upload to a service like Dropbox or Google Drive, then link to that file in ProcessKit.
Adding a file attachment block to a process step & task
When editing a process template and adding block(s) to a step in the process, you can select the "File Attachment" block type to add a file attachment field to this task.
Later, when this process template is converted to a task list on a project, this block will have a functional file upload field.
You can also simply add a file attachment block to a task (rather than have it automatically added via a process template).
Adding a file attachment field to a project's details
To add a file attachment field to a project's details, do this:
- Go to Boards > "Fields"
- Create a new field using the "File attachment" field type
- Give this field a label
- Go to any board > the project template for this board > Add the file attachment field that you had created so that it is preloaded on all new projects created within this board.
- Now when you create a project in this board, then go to its Details tab, you will see the file upload field for this project.
Adding a file attachment field to a client's attributes
To add a file attachment field to a client's attributes, do this:
- Go to Clients > "Attributes"
- Create a new client attribute using the "File attachment" attribute type
- Give this attribute a label
- Go to any Client and you will now see this file attachment attribute field there.
How file attachment fields interact with visibility and dependency rules
When you create a visibility or dependency rule on a task, these rules interact with file upload fields in the following ways:
- When the rule is based on a field "must be empty" or "must not be empty", it will check to see whether a file has been uploaded to that field or not.
- When a rule is based on a field "must contain" a string of text, it will check the uploaded file's file name to see if that file name contains the string of text. For example, if you've upload a file called example.txt to a file attachment field, and your rule checks to see if the field contains "xamp" then it would satisfy this rule.
How to use liquid tags to display a link to a file attachment
You can reference any file attachment field using a liquid tag. For example, if the client on a project has a client attribute called "Brand Package", and this is a file attachment field, then you can reference this on a project that is associated with this client by using {{ client.brand_package }}. If a file has been uploaded to this attribute field, then the liquid tag will display that file name linked (when clicked, it will download the file).
The same liquid tag works when referencing a file attachment task block, like this: {{ task.123.file_attachment_field_name }} as well as when referencing a project detail field, like this: {{ project.file_attachment_field_name }}