View all of your tasks in one place

Need a view into all of your tasks in one place?

Easy!  Get to this view from two places:

  • Click your avatar at the top-right corner, then click "My Work"
  • Click "People" in the main navigation on the left, then click yourself to view your work.

Here, you'll find 3 tabs:

Your Projects

A list of all projects that you're a member on.  You'd become a member of a project when you or someone adds you to a project, or you've been assigned to a task in a process on that project.

By default, this list of projects includes only active ones, but you can switch to viewing archived projects as well.

Your Tasks

In your "Tasks" tab is where you'll find a list of all tasks that is assigned to you.  A task is a step within a process, which lives on a project.  If you are the person (or one of the people) that is assigned to that task, then it will show up in your personal tasks list.

By default, this view shows only incomplete tasks, but you can switch to viewing completed tasks or a mix of both incomplete and complete.  Your browser will remember the state that you left it next time you return to this view.

By default, your tasks will be ordered by their due date, with those due soonest listed at the top.  You can toggle and sort by their start dates or titles as well.

Your Activity

In the "Activity" tab is where you'll see the history of all actions that you've done across all projects in your ProcessKit account.  It includes comments you've posted, tasks you've completed or marked incomplete, among other actions.

Each event in your activity links to the project and/or step (task) that is associated with it.

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