Using automated Task Actions

Task Actions enable you to run automations in ProcessKit whenever a task has been completed.  

You can create Task Actions on both Process Templates and Tasks.  If a Task List is created from a process template, then those task actions, along with all other aspects of the process, will be copied to that task.

Creating & Editing Task Actions

To create a task action, follow these steps:

  1. Open up any step in a process, or a task in a task list
  2. Click the "Task Actions" icon to open up that panel (the box with a lightning bolt)
  3. Select the Task Action type that you'd like to add
  4. Configure the options for that task action
  5. Click the button to create and save this task action

 You can edit any task action by clicking it's name or using the settings dropdown ("...") and click "Edit".  Note:  If the task has already been completed, meaning the task actions have already run, you can only view, not edit, those actions.

Task Action Types

As of this writing, these are the types of Task Actions that are available, and how their configuration options work:

Notify People

Send email notifications to people when a task has been marked completed.  You can send up to a maximum of 10 different email addresses per task.

Select team members in your ProcessKit to be notified.  You can also input email addresses of people who aren't users in your ProcessKit, and they will receive notifications as well.  Multiple email addresses can be separated by a comma.

Apply a Process

This will create a new task list on the current project using the select process template.

Move to Board

This will move the current project into this Board.

You have the option to preload processes and/or fields that are set on the destination board.  Meaning, if the board has Preloaded Processes, and this option is checked, then when this project is moved into this board, task lists will be created from those preloaded processes for that board.  You can uncheck this option to skip the creation of those task lists during this move.  The same goes for preloaded fields. 

Add or Remove Tags

This enables you to add tags or remove tags from the current project.

Select the tags to add to the project.  If the project doesn't have those tags already, then those will be applied.

Select the tags to remove from the project.  If the project has those tags, then those will be removed.  If a tag is listed in both the "Add" and the "Remove" group, then that tag will be removed, not added.

Move to a Kanban List

This will move the current project into a different Kanban list.

When setting this Task Action in a Process Template, you can select any Kanban list from any board in your ProcessKit account.  However, later, when this process is applied to a project, this Task Action will only run if the project currently resides in the board that the specified Kanban list resides within.

When setting this Task Action in a Task List on an existing project, you can select from any of the Kanban lists that reside in the board that this current project belongs to.

Send a Webhook

Technical feature for developers:

If your application API can accept data via webhook, then input the webhook URL and ProcessKit will send a webhook containing all of the data for the task, the task list, the project, and the client (if any) associated with this project.

After this Task Action has occurred, there will be an event shown in the Activity log both on this task and in the Activity tab on the project.  Click "view details" to see the contents of the webhook data that was sent.

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