Find a Task to change via Zapier

For instructions on how to access the ProcessKit Zapier integration, click here.  

You can also see instructions on using ProcessKit as an "action" and as a "trigger".

Create or find a task to mark complete via Zapier

Before you can have Zapier mark a task as complete or incomplete, you must identify which task to be marked complete/incomplete.

You can either use the task that was created in a previous step in this Zap, or you can have Zapier search for an existing Task in a project in ProcessKit.

To complete or mark incomplete a task that was created in a previous step, select the Task ID that was output from a previous step, such as the "Create a Task" or "Find a Task" step.

To complete or mark incomplete a task that already exists before this Zap runs, you will need to insert a "Find a Task" step in your Zap before this "Mark a Task Complete/Incomplete" step.  In the "Find a Task" step, you will specify a project that contains the task.  Then enter text of the task title exactly as it appears in the project (be careful not to include extra spaces or misspellings).

Once you've found a task, you can:

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