Assign a person to a task via Zapier
For instructions on how to access the ProcessKit Zapier integration, click here.
You can also see instructions on using ProcessKit as an "action" and as a "trigger".
Assign a person to a task via Zapier
You can have Zapier automatically assign person(s) to a task. In order to assign people to a task, those people must already be team members in your ProcessKit account and must have already accepted their invites.
How to assign a person to a task via Zapier:
- Have the Zap create a project or find an existing project
- Have the Zap create a task or find an existing task in this project.
- Add a step to the Zap to "Assign a Person to a Task"
- In that step, Access the Project ID from that project that was created or found.
- In that step, also access the Task ID in the same way you accessed the Project ID.
- Select a person from your ProcessKit account to be assigned to this task.
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