Find and update a field on a task via Zapier

For instructions on how to access the ProcessKit Zapier integration, click here.  

You can also see instructions on using ProcessKit as an "action" and as a "trigger".

When you have custom field blocks on a task in ProcessKit, you can update the values of these fields dynamically using Zapier.

Here's how:

1.  First, find or create a project from the Zap.  You can do this by using the Create a Project or Find a Project Zapier actions for ProcessKit.  Both of these will output a Project ID.

2. We will assume that this project already contains a task list with tasks, and one of those tasks already contains a custom field block that you wish to update.  All of this can be loaded into your project automatically using your Process Template.

3.  Add a step to the Zap using the Find a Task action.  Find the task by it's exact task title.  This will output a Task ID.

4.  Add a step to the Zap using the Find a Task Field action.  You will need to input the Task ID from the found task in the previous step.  Find this task field by its exact label text.  Note:  This is case sensitive.  Be sure it doesn't contain an extra spaces.

5.  Add a step to the Zap using the Update a Task Field action.  You will need to input the Task Field ID from the found Task Field in the previous step.

6.  In the value field on the Update a Task Field action, input whatever value you want to save into this field.

The field you're updating might be any of the various field types.  Here are some notes on how to update those values:

If it is a content input field, such as a text input, a rich text input, an email address or website URL field, you can pass that content into this field.  Of course, be sure to use the correct formatting if it is an email or website URL (website URLs must contain http://).

If it is a field with selectable options, such as a selection dropdown or a radio selection, input the exact label text of the option you want to select.  For example, if your radio select options are "Gold", "Silver", and "Bronze", and you want the Zap to automoatically select "Silver", then type in (or dynamically input) "Silver".

If the field is a checkboxes field with multiple checkboxes, you can have Zapier select multiple by inputting those checkbox labels and separating them with a comma. 

If the field is a Date & Time field, you must send machine-readable date format.  Basically, it should follow this format:  YYYY-MM-DD.  You may also use Zapier's dynamic date input tags.  For example, if you input this:  {{zap_meta_utc_iso}} it will input the current time that the Zap runs.

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